
20 Pieces of Advice I Hope I Knew In My Twenties

It would save me lots of time if I knew them earlier!

Mark Vassilevskiy
9 min readMar 13, 2023


Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

In this article, we would discuss all the things I hope I knew much earlier and which you probably should know too! I’ll reflect on my own experience and provide insight into what I knew earlier. So leave a comment if you have some interesting thoughts.

The average age of Medium readers is between 18–34 which is a time when many people are just starting on their own and trying to figure things out.

That’s why such articles are so important, they will give you an understanding of what you should improve in your personal life and where you should go

1. Forget the past, think of the future, and live in the present

This is one of the best pieces of advice that I can give to literally everyone, that’s why I placed it as #1.

Stop worrying about the past, it only takes your time that you could spend on something more productive. Anyway, you cannot change anything, so why would you even think for an infinite amount of time about it?

Thinking and imagining all your goals and dreams in the future will show you exactly what you want to…



Mark Vassilevskiy

Top Writer. Designer & Agency Owner. 1M+ views on Medium. Helping people drive conversions for their startup